As you personally benefit from chiropractic care, you have some new responsibilities. Among them is to tell others about your experience. Who better to start with than your own family?
Chiropractic has been helping for years. Many patients see their chiropractic doctor as their family doctor. That’s smart. The cost of surgery is rising. The adverse reactions to drugs receive front-page news. Families want safe and natural solutions. More and more are choosing chiropractic care first.
Family care can start from the very beginning. Babies can benefit when their pregnant mothers receive chiropractic care. During this period of weight gain and hormonal changes, many mothers seek chiropractic care. They often report easier births.
Newborns, infants and children can benefit, too. The birth process may be the cause of our first subluxation! Then, learning to walk, ride a bike or play sports can produce so-called growing pains. Ignored, these problems may worsen until they can become more difficult to correct as an adult.
Car accidents, work injuries and the stress and strains of our busy lives can produce subluxations. Periodic chiropractic checkups can be helpful. Many patients report more energy, vitality and better overall health.
Seniors enjoying an active retirement stop by our office, too. Safe and natural chiropractic care makes sense. They see how the structure of the spine can affect the nervous system and how their bodies work.
Regardless of your age or condition, a better working spine is good for your health. Share your chiropractic experience with others, starting with those you love.